New Online Course & Group Coaching Program!

Are you interested in traveling solo but are paralyzed in fear around your concerns about your personal safety and/or loneliness? Through my course and coaching program, I encourage, equip, and empower women to travel solo with confidence and ease so they can experience the freedom and flexibility to explore and enjoy their dream destinations on their own terms time after time.


Conquering the world and enjoying the journey…


champion [cham-pee-uhn]

n. an advocate, a winner, a warrior

Bali, Indonesia

My Story

I absolutely love to travel!! As a passionate proponent, or “champion” of all things related to travel, I have extensive experience as a solo female traveler. Currently, I have visited all 50 U.S. states, all seven continents, and over 45 countries. The majority of my international trips I conquered solo, and I also planned most of those trips myself. Regardless of my income at the time of each trip, I stayed within budget yet had some truly amazing and memorable experiences. Throughout my decades of travel, I have learned tremendous amounts of information, hacks, and tips that I am enthusiastic about sharing with aspiring and seasoned travelers alike.

Listen on the go!

Yes, the highly anticipated audiobook version of THE TRAVEL CHAMPION: A 4-Step Guide to Traveling the World Solo, Safely, and on a Budget is now available!

I get it. Life is busy, and sometimes you don’t have time to sit down and read a book. No worries. I ’ve got you covered!

Whether you’re on a long drive as you commute to work, washing dishes in the kitchen at home, or at the gym working out, you can soak up all the knowledge and motivation you need to plan your next adventure. This 4-step system is a fully-fledged cheat code that has allowed me to travel the world safely and cheaply, all while having the flexibility to do it all WHEN I WANT.

Put it this way...

If being a confident, happy, and independent version of yourself is the lock…THIS is the key.

Hot off the Press!

THE TRAVEL CHAMPION: A 4-Step Guide to Traveling the World Solo, Safely, and on a Budget is available in paperback. This book is overflowing with ideas, information, and inspiration!

It serves as a detailed, practical blueprint for helping you coordinate a successful trip from beginning to end, eliminating the barriers and excuses.

Purchase your copy now, and grab a copy for anyone you know who loves to travel and/or wants to travel more.


Purchase My eBook

THE TRAVEL CHAMPION: A 4-Step Guide to Traveling the World Solo, Safely, and on a Budget is here!

You will learn how to do the following:

  • Identify the best locations for you to visit specifically and pinpoint the most appealing time of year to go there.

  • Access innovative ways to save money on transportation, lodging, and activities.

  • Recognize schemes for optimizing your time off work in order to extend your vacation.

  • Discover creative approaches that allow you to travel by yourself without being on your trip alone.

  • Employ tips and tactics that help you feel safe, secure, and comfortable traveling anywhere in the world you desire.

"Overall, the book is very informational and educational. Realistic and helpful, and also inspiring and encouraging me to travel more."

D. Lorah

"This book gave me great examples for solo travel. I needed to strategically save money and enjoy myself. It helped me plan my most enjoyable trips so far."


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